Sunday 8 September 2013

I have at last finished writing up my account of my cycle trip there is a bit of tidying up of my poor grammar and syntax but I have sent a sample couple of chapters to a publisher so we shall have to wait and see if yet another book about a cycle trip is deemed worth publishing.
I have still not found work but have had some interviews and have one for a cycle trainer job coming up.
I am taking part in Settle Amateur Operatic Society's production of 'Calamity Jane' at the end of October and we had publicity photos done today.
No new photos .... sorry.

Saturday 24 August 2013

Time goes by so quickly and yet so little happens.
I continue to look for work whilst finishing off the book and making models.
I find the book is too short so I am revising what I have written and adding more detail.
Model of wall and gate.
Giggleswick show went well I won a few prizes and last week I was helping at the Dales Walking festival in aid of the Jane Tomlinson Appeal.
I will blog again next week.

Thursday 8 August 2013

Last Saturday I went to the Garden Party at my previous place of employment only to discover I was a day early. Fortunately the home next door were having their Summer Fete so I went there instead. 
Maypole dancing in August!
I have finished writing the account of my cycle trip and hope to talk to the printer next week. Still need to have it proof read and to do whatever corrections and additions are required but I feel I am getting there.
I have cycled over to Lancaster a couple of times recently, I am amazed that I can manage a journey that only a year ago I would have considered a major undertaking. I am rarely using the car.
Giggleswick show on Saturday.

Thursday 1 August 2013

Gosh doesn't time go quickly and yet I  don't seem to have much to report.
I am still making progress on the book, am getting the hang of it now and I am happy with what I am writing, unfortunately this means I will need to review what I wrote at the beginning to make sure it matches the rest.
I will still need a few more weeks.
I cycled 48 miles today to Lancaster and back and was delighted to get there in under 2 hours. I am getting stuff together to show at Giggleswick Show on August 10th (be there or be somewhere else). I am taking part in a transport research project at Lancaster University, it sounds very interesting looking at what influences our choices about how we get from one place to another.
Morecambe Bay sunset
Still looking for a job, anyone got one?

Monday 22 July 2013

So hit, so humid, we British are not used to such prolonged heat. I feel like I am melting and am hoping the thunder arrives to freshen things up.
Gordale Scar
Crackpot Hall, Swaledale.
I have been walking in the Yorkshire Dales, see pics. What a wonderful part of the world. No need to go cycling for 2000 miles there is some of the finest scenery right on my doorstep.

Wednesday 17 July 2013

I am getting on top of turning the blog of my trip into a book and hope to have the script finished in a week or two.
I have been offered a relief worker job but am still looking for a permanent job.
The hot weather is not good for cycling in, I am glad I am not pedalling around in this weather.
I am going out early for bike rides before it gets too warm.
The Tour de France is coming through the Yorkshire Dales next year and already accommodation businesses are advertising for the event.
I am more interested preparing for Giggleswick Show on 10th August and the Festival of Walking on 18th August

Thursday 11 July 2013

I really now have reached that age when I can go out wearing clothes that are comfortable but not stylish, the children aren't around to stop me appearing in shorts that reveal my white short fat legs and it is great.
I am disappointed that the cortisone injection I had in my frozen shoulder hasn't made much difference so I shall just have to put up with it until it eases naturally.
Still no work but have some interviews coming up so hoping.
Making some progress with getting a book written, fresh approach seems to be working.
I have been over to Fountains Abbey today, every time I go I discover some new little corner I haven't seen before. Wonderful place.