Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Today is beautifully sunny so having now got my hybrid bike I went for a ride. Headed south and flew along like a proper cyclist. it wasn't until I turned round that I realised my rapid outward journey was not a result of increased muscle power but the wind at my back. Felt a right fool struggling to pedal along the flat into the teeth of an icy wind, my return journey took more than twice as long as the outward. Clearly lots more work to do.

I have now got a rather flash smart phone device that will enable me to update my blog wherever I have a mobile signal, it has a camera, maps and weather applications but best of all Angry Birds (is it legal or safe to play games on a phone whilst cycling ?). This thing is so clever and I am so dim it will take me some time and alot of patient instruction from my son to figure out how to get a picture from the phone onto the blog page, I am working on it.

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