Sunday 7 April 2013

Day 24 Oxford. I was expecting something very similar to Cambridge but Oxford feels bigger, brasher and strangely less confident, as if it feels it has to show off it's achievements whereas Cambridge is understated, comfortable with it's self. However, as always I find myself liking the place, although was disappointed to find the rather modest botanic gardens closed at 4pm but did discover a charming pub tucked away down a narrow alley (St Helen's Passage) called The Turf.This pub has been there since the 14th century and has been patronised by some very famous people through the centuries including Bill Clinton who apparently did not inhale canabis smoke in this very place. Today has been the warmest since I set off and has felt properly spring like and my journey has been accompanied by much birdsong, especially sky larks and buzzards (although they more squawk than sing). Following my Google map routetook me down some pretty rough bridleways and bumpy canal towpaths but very little main road so although it was slow it was a lovely ride. The campsite is nice but noisy being right next to the railway, there is a chap camping there that has been on the road by foot since 2004 and has camped here all through the winter, I am looking forward to chatting to him some more he must have many tales to tell. Last night after the disappointment of losing at hockey my cousin, her husband, daughter and I went out for excellent fish and chips at the pub in Tadmarten where there was also music from an excellent guitarist/singer which was a nice end to my very enjoyable stay at Sibford. Now I shall upload some pics of Oxford. Good night.

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