Monday, 8 April 2013

Day 25 Back to a wintery feel, not frosty but cold and grey. Up, packed and away for 9 this morning and made good progress until I missed a turn onto a bridleway so added an unnecessary 2 miles on the A420 followed by an adventure across field boundaries hoping no angry farmer appeared then another motorway junction to negotiate as I crossed the M4. Motorists seem determined to reach 70 mph before they even get on the slip road so I have to charge across the slip road the moment the slightest gap appears, thereafter it was a lovely ride along an old railway to Marleborough. I am on a forestry commision campsite in the Savenake Forest and having been for a walk there this afternoon can imagine it to be a mighty fine place in the summer. This time of year with the trees all bare and grey it is not the most thrilling of surroundings. Marleborough seems a pleasant enough place with some fine old buildings but I passed through a lovely village (oh gosh, another name I've forgotten) near Lambourn with a cottage needing a hair cut (see pic) and horses everywhere. There were a few fine looking horses out for exercise that were attracting some attention with people asking to take photos of one of the horses so imagine it was a significant horse (Shergar perhaps). Am now in search of food. Good night.

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